The Cholmeley Lodge 1731 is a masonic Lodge founded for previous pupils, teachers and Governors of Highgate School.
Currently each meeting is attended by around 40 ex-pupils, teachers and governors as well as friends who are members of other lodges.
Our Meetings
Each meeting consists of a formal lodge meeting followed by a sumptuous dinner. The formal part is based around the ancient rituals of Stone Masons who needed to be able to identify skilled workers.
Dinner is a relaxed chance to catch with old friends and make new ones. Meeting people from all walks of life is a big part of freemasonry.
At a meeting you will find people of all religions and ethnicity – certainly at Highgate School and Cholmeley Lodge we are delighted to welcome members from all of the world’s religions.
The Lord Mayor’s Show
Freemasons have a proud tradition of participating in The Lord Mayor’s Parade in London.
Parading behind a giant inflatable balloon depicting one of the helicopters that Freemasons are funding with £3,000,000.
The two woman’s Masonic orders HFAF and OWF will be marching alongside their Brother masons once again this year.
A luncheon after the parade for the marching Freemasons and their families
Charitable Acts
Noah’s Ark Hospice
Freemasonry is a non-religious, fraternal organisation which aims to improve the world by significant charitable acts. One such programme supports Noah’s Ark Hospice.
London Fire Brigade Ladder Truck
London Freemasons donated £2.5 million to the London Fire Brigade to purchase two vehicles with high lift aerial ladders, which are capable of reaching the top of a building as high as Grenfell Tower.
The Brigade is the first fire service in the UK to have a 64 metre Turntable Ladder, which is equivalent to the highest ladder in service across Europe.
London Air Ambulance
In recognition of London Freemasons including Cholmeley Lodge’s effort in raising £3m for a second Air Ambulance Helicopter and Rapid Response vehicles for the capital, ten members were invited to the Helipad to meet the pilots and doctors to see and understand their work for themselves.
Cyber Knife for Barts Hospital
London Freemasons purchased and funded a Cyber Knife (high precision radio surgical treatment of tumors) for Saint Bartholomew’s Hospital and Cholmeley were honored to be present for its unveiling by our Grand Master, HRH The Duke of Kent.
The 2.5 million to pay for it was raised in less than two years by the Freemasons of London through their Masonic trust, in partnership with Barts & The London Charity which supports NHS patients at the Royal London in Whitechapel, the London Chest at Bethnal Green and Bart’s in the City.
Our Home at Saint Bartholomew’s
The ‘Great Hall’ at Saint Bartholomew’s, West Smithfield, was Cholmeley’s home and is presently undergoing a £9.5 million refurbishment by the Bart’s Heritage Trust, and Cholmeley Lodge hopes to return there when it is eventually completed.
Find Out More
If you would like to know more, please get in touch with us using the contact page on this site. We would be pleased to help in any way we can.